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Our School's Leadership


White ha formado parte de la junta ejecutiva de la Asociación de Consejería Escolar del Estado de Nueva York como Gobernador Regional desde 2018 y también fundó el Grupo de Consejeros de Color Infinity del estado en 2019. En 2019, White también fue reconocido por NYSSCA por el Programa, Práctica o Premio al proyecto. White se presenta habitualmente en la conferencia anual de consejería escolar del estado e incluso también se ha presentado en conferencias nacionales. White presentó en la Conferencia Nacional de Liderazgo en Consejería Escolar en San Diego, CA, en 2020 y 2022, y en la Asociación Nacional de Consejeros Escolares de Estados Unidos en 2023.


El Sr. White obtuvo su certificación a nivel de edificio y de distrito de SUNY Plattsburgh. White obtuvo previamente su maestría y su Certificado de Estudios Avanzados en Consejería Escolar de The Sage Colleges. Completó sus estudios universitarios en la Universidad Luterana de California, donde participó en fútbol interuniversitario y fue miembro del equipo campeón de la Conferencia Atlética Intercolegial del Sur de California (SCIAC) en 2007.


Al Sr. White le apasiona la educación y trabajar con todos los estudiantes, al mismo tiempo que tiene un gran interés en trabajar con estudiantes con discapacidades, estudiantes económicamente desfavorecidos y estudiantes de color. Su filosofía como líder es “liderar con empatía centrándose en la equidad”. Está entusiasmado por unirse a la comunidad de Green Tech.


El Sr. White creció en Saratoga Springs y actualmente reside en Troy. Tiene un hijo de seis años, Nathaniel. Fuera de la escuela, le gusta jugar en una liga de kickball para adultos, viajar, probar nuevos restaurantes y pasar tiempo con su hijo.

Jaymes White

Principio y director ejecutivo

Jaymes White se une a la familia Green Tech después de trabajar como subdirector en la escuela secundaria Tamarac durante los últimos tres años. Mientras estuvo en Tamarac, White jugó un papel decisivo al abogar por la incorporación de un consejero escolar en la escuela primaria y liderar los esfuerzos de diversidad, equidad e inclusión del distrito. Antes de convertirse en subdirectora en 2020, White pasó seis años como consejera escolar en los niveles de escuela intermedia y secundaria en diversas funciones y responsabilidades. Durante el tiempo que White estuvo en la escuela secundaria Saratoga Springs, White creó el programa "Asesoramiento académico" que fue diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes en riesgo. Debido a su éxito, la inscripción al programa aumentó un 70% del año uno al segundo.

Dr. Teresa Haig Nicol

Director asociado

Dr. Teresa Haig Nicol was born and raised in the Bronx, New York.  She is the mother of five children, two girls and three boys.  She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Brockport State College with a double major in Political Science and African American Studies. She began as a substitute teacher and then became an assistant teacher in Dekalb County School system in Georgia. Eventually, she earned her teacher certification from Breneau University and started her teaching career in Franklin County, Georgia. She taught Math and computer science for twelve years in Georgia. She is certified to teach 6th thru 9th grade Social Studies and Reading in the states of Georgia and New York.

In 2001, Dr. Haig Nicol moved back to New York. She obtained a Masters of Liberal Studies degree from Empire State College, with a focused on Multicultural Education. She has a doctorate from Grand Canyon University, Phoenix Arizona in K-12 Education Leadership.


After moving to Albany, Dr. Haig Nicol worked in Albany City School District as the African Caribbean dance teacher for six years.  In 2009, Dr. Haig Nicol joined Green Tech High Charter School and has been there for the past fourteen years. For nine years, she taught Global Studies I and II, Entrepreneurship and African American Studies (college level).  Dr. Haig Nicol held the Instructional Leader position for two years, and was the Assistant Principal of Green Tech Middle Charter School for three years. She is inspired every day by the students and families she serves.


Recently, she was named the Acting Principal and CEO of Green Tech High for the school year 2022-2023. Her vision is to continue to provide leadership that supports the successfully educational experiences of each student as they prepare for college. She hopes to continue the high student graduation rate and expand the business and community partnerships Green Tech has throughout Capital Region in New York. She has deep ties in her community as the Democratic Committee elected official for the past twelve years. She was name “Women of Distinction” in 2017 by the Albany County Democratic Committee, and “Citizen of the Year” by The New York State Chapters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 2023. Currently, Dr. Haig Nicol is the Associate Principal of Green Tech High Charter School, elected official for the Democratic Committee in Ward 3 of Albany County.

Dr. Kimberly Davis

Director de escuela secundaria

Dr. Davis has worked in education for the past seventeen years, with the most recent five being spent specifically in educational leadership positions. Prior to coming to Green Tech she had many educational experiences, including: being both a middle school and high school classroom teacher, a college level teacher mentor, and an instructional coach in school districts within Tennessee, Arkansas, and New York.

As for Dr. Davis’s personal education, it includes a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, a Master of Arts Degree in Secondary Education, and a Doctorate in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Organizational Development. By pursuing lifelong learning, she intends to set an example to students and teachers alike to never stop learning and striving for continuous self-improvement.


At her heart Dr. Davis still considers herself a teacher with a passion for education. Throughout her career she has worked with disadvantaged and underserved scholars and has received recognition for her ability to improve students’ academic achievement. She fuels her passion with her effectiveness in increasing student academic achievement through her expertise in effective planning, implementation of best practices, and identification of teachers’ professional needs and students’ academic needs. She specializes in identifying gaps in instructional preparation, instructional delivery, and student learning, and then formulating a plan that addresses those gaps. She also has extensive expertise in teacher preparation and new teacher training to ensure that teachers have a solid foundation to effectively serve their students.


Dr. Davis considers leading the many talented teachers and students at Green Tech Middle a privilege. She has high expectations for Green Tech Middle students, because she wants to see them excel and become productive human beings, who have ample opportunity to become whatever they want to be when they grow up. Her goal is to continue to provide a supportive and safe climate and culture that is conducive to teaching and learning; so that each individual student and teacher can grow to their maximum potential. 



Escuela secundaria Green Tech Charter

99 Slingerland St.

Albany, NY 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 fax

Mon-Thurs. 7:30 am - 7:00 pm 

Fri.: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm


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